Acerca de Raúl Rojo

I am a Marketing and Market Research Professional experienced in digital developments with proven management skills and strategic planning with results in sustainable and quantifiable sales growth and cost savings. I have experience in developing and managing and mentoring high performance teams. I am also used to fast moving environment in international companies. I am looking for new challenges within the digital area, where I can bring immediate and strategic value and develop current skill set further.

Healthcare Digital Marketing – WAR ROOM EPISODE 5

Por |2023-03-31T11:13:14+02:0013 diciembre 2021|Sin categoria|

I wonder sometimes why there are no Podcasts regarding HealthCare Digital Marketing, not even many blogs or articles… That’s why here I am today to speak about this topic that has been in my mind for a while. Above all, we really work in a War Room where strategies and tactics are conducted at LightSpeed… However, [...]

Belong to Brand or Support Services – WAR ROOM EP. 4

Por |2023-03-31T11:13:14+02:009 noviembre 2021|e-Health, Multicanalidad|

Many times, this thought has come to my mind: Where should the Digital Marketing position should be?  Shall Belong to Brand or Support Services? Both of them have Pros and Cons I might say… For example, if you have it in the Support Services, it allows you to drive in a better way the General [...]

ClubHouse, the Battle is on the Waves – WAR ROOM EP 3.

Por |2023-03-31T11:13:15+02:0022 septiembre 2021|e-Health, Multicanalidad|

In this world unique things last, so little time…  everything is copied and that’s exactly what happened to ClubHouse. I was fascinated by ClubClubHouse, a place where people talk and discuss about any topic. They meet and share their knowledge and experiences. There is a coordinator, who prepares the topics to be discussed and by [...]

War Room Episode 2: Company professional Website Importance.

Por |2023-03-31T11:13:15+02:0029 mayo 2021|e-Health, Multicanalidad|

This episode is about the company professional website importance. Let me tell you, that over the years I have helped many Companies to improve and update their websites because they were crucial for a Multichannel Marketing Strategies. So, if the website is crucial and are in no condition because its content is not updated and [...]

War Room Episode 1: Changes after Covid

Por |2023-03-31T11:13:15+02:0029 mayo 2021|e-Health, Multicanalidad|

In the last years 2020 and 2021 have brought us many Changes after Covid in so many aspects of our our lives. Regarding Healthcare Digital Marketing, we have being affected by them and so many barriers have been demolished. Let's think of some of old barriers from some time ago that now seem akward.  How [...]


Por |2023-03-31T11:13:15+02:0020 marzo 2017|Sin categoria|

Aunque la profesión médica parezca inmune a los efectos de la inteligencia artificial en cuanto a pérdida de puestos de trabajo, veremos que esto realmente no es así. No es que vaya a desaparecer la profesión pero en el siguiente posts analizaremos las posibles consecuencias...


Por |2023-03-31T11:13:15+02:0023 diciembre 2016|Multicanalidad|

Today I want to talk to you about one of the technologies that are "beeping" now which is the so-called “FINTECH”, born from the union of the terms "Finance" and "Technology" and it refers to the capacity of offering financial services through technology. These types of companies are generally small start-ups that try to steal [...]


Por |2023-03-31T11:13:15+02:0020 noviembre 2016|Multicanalidad|

Today I want to give you some advice on how to develop a multichannel strategy: Where do we start? What do I prioritize? How much is it going to cost me? All these things haunt our heads and sometimes we start from a blank page (just like this post), which will be the first in [...]

Gamificación I (POKÉMON GO) Uso en el sector salud

Por |2023-03-31T11:13:18+02:002 octubre 2016|Blended Marketing, Formación Médica Continuada, Gamificación|

Uso de la Gamificación en el sector Salud a través de Pokémon Go.- Recomendación del médico - Herramienta para crear equipo - Uso en congresos y reuniones.

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