Healthcare Digital Marketing – WAR ROOM EPISODE 5
I wonder sometimes why there are no Podcasts regarding HealthCare Digital Marketing, not even many blogs or articles… That’s why here I am today to speak about this topic that has been in my mind [...]
Belong to Brand or Support Services – WAR ROOM EP. 4
Many times, this thought has come to my mind: Where should the Digital Marketing position should be? Shall Belong to Brand or Support Services? Both of them have Pros and Cons I might say… For [...]
ClubHouse, the Battle is on the Waves – WAR ROOM EP 3.
In this world unique things last, so little time… everything is copied and that’s exactly what happened to ClubHouse. I was fascinated by ClubClubHouse, a place where people talk and discuss about any topic. They [...]
War Room Episode 2: Company professional Website Importance.
This episode is about the company professional website importance. Let me tell you, that over the years I have helped many Companies to improve and update their websites because they were crucial for a Multichannel [...]
War Room Episode 1: Changes after Covid
In the last years 2020 and 2021 have brought us many Changes after Covid in so many aspects of our our lives. Regarding Healthcare Digital Marketing, we have being affected by them and so many [...]